Leveling up their storytelling and communication

A redesign to help determine if they're a good fit for you


Limitless Therapy Services is a small, cash-based physical therapy company whose mission is to provide solutions for obstacles that may arise with the standard healthcare model.


Their current website gives an advanced and modern feel but doesn't immediately help their clients understand who they are and what they do.

So how can I help them convey who they are, make contacting the business easy, and allow potential clients to learn more?

Role and team

I'm the sole UX designer on this project. I delivered mockups that illustrated design improvements for their website.
Limitless Therapy Services Home

Discovery and exploration

Understanding business goals is important as it provides direction on what to look for during exploration.

The two most important business goals for the redesign are:

Increase consultations

The business provides free consultations to new visitors. During a consultation, you're met with a physical therapy (PT) who will assess your situation and go over next steps.

Clear message of what they do

The business isn't your regular outpatient clinic. They run on a cash-based model rather than an insurance-based model. This means their physical therapists have less restrictions on treatment and visit time.
I narrowed my research methodologies to competitor analysis to look into competitor strengths/weaknesses and user interviews to look into how people determined if a certain business was right for them and how they booked a consultation.
Direct competitors

Competitor analysis

I browsed through various websites and took note of what stood out, their differences, content available, voice portrayed, and how easy it was to book a consultation.

Some patterns that stood out revolved around reorganization, readability, and emphasis on their value.

User research

I spoke to four participants under the age of 59 years old and who've previously booked a physical therapy consultation before to listen to their experiences.

With all interviews, each participant wanted to see a PT to reduce their pain, but the process was different.

Different approval process for PT

Depending on factors like country and insurance, the user may need some sort of approval or a referral.

Different booking process

3/4 participant faced obstacles during booking. Depending on factors like country, insurance, and facility, the booking process for a visit can differ.

Location is the top consideration

Convenience is important as physical therapy is an ongoing commitment.


I created a persona, Richard Hu, to help me solidify user goals, motivations, and needs. Then, I created a customer journey map to help identify areas of opportunities.
Persona and customer journey map

Focus areas

Based on business goals and research findings, I decided to focus my efforts on improving the research and booking stages.

Research stage

What's the process for getting seen? Who is eligible? What are some reasons why they should be seen here?

Booking stage

How can users make their first visit? Is the booking process accessible across different devices?
Low-fi design proposal

Proposed solution

At the request of the stakeholder, I focused on mobile design. I knew I wouldn't be able to get to all the features during my timeline so for this proposal, I chose to focus on high-priority features such as:

Explaining their business model

So visitors can quickly see what sets them apart from other PT businesses.

Outline services

To highlight the range of services because physical therapy is very broad.

Provide a consultation CTA, instructions, and confirmation

This will help make enter the booking flow easy and set expectations.

Usability testing

To see if my proposal made sense, I ran a usability test to see if participants could easily navigate the designs.

Tasks included:
1. How would you find information that would make you interested or not in seeing a PT here?
2. How would you find reasons to see if this company would be a good fit for you?
3. How would you reach out to ask a question?
4. How would you reach out to make a consultation?

2/6 users were confused

Some participants were confused about choosing what method should be used to contact the business.
At the time, the stakeholder did not have a strong opinion about the matter. Moving forward, I kept things as is until we could gather more feedback.
Important information is at the forefront

Final design decisions

Updated name and brand

The stakeholder wanted to keep their logo and the ‘Limitless’ part of their name but was open to different word that would replace 'Therapy Services'.

After brainstorming what ties into their themes and mission, I thought the word solutions would be fitting.


The information was reorganized so users can quickly get an idea of who they are and the services they offer.


The hero section emphasizes their core business and has proper styling to improve accessibility for all ages.


Their key differentiator (being cash-based) is highlighted so users can understand they can request a consultation without insurance and without a referral.
Clear way to request a consultation

Final design decisions cont.

Clear CTA

Upon clicking the CTA in any page, the user will be taken to a form. Rather than having a modal, I placed it in its own page to ensure a smoother flow and have it be more accessible for mobile users.

Set expectations

The form begins by informing you of the consultation process and gives users a confirmation when requests has been successfully delivered. Users are kept in the loop about the process at all times.

Next steps

If I could've continued this project, I would've focused my time on accessibility and making sure the website details and text styling meet WCAG AA guidelines.

Then, I would've met with my stakeholder to go over the final details before passing this off to this developer.

Lessons learned

Although the stakeholder wanted to be heavily involved, be given updates, and have an open line of communication, it was still difficult to get timely responses. This made it difficult to move forward and make progress.

Next time, I'll be sure to establish timeframes for responses and expectations of what I need at the beginning to make this collaboration go as smooth as possible.
Final designs






Style tile

The client was open to some changes, but also wanted to communicate themes of health/wellness, injury prevention, and sports & performance enhancement with adjectives like:
Since they're a relatively newer company, I chose to keep their current branding relatively the same so they can establish recognition within the community, but changed the font to express a modern feel.


The client wanted to keep their logo and the ‘Limitless’ part of their name but was open to different word that would replace 'Therapy Services'.

After brainstorming what ties into their themes and adjectives, I thought the word ‘solutions’ would be the most fitting.



Catch me in the wild


